Alamo City House Rabbits
We traveled to San Antonio and visited Tina's bunny room of boarders and medical cases. It was fun meeting others who care about bunnies, and the buns they were caring for. If you're by San Antonio, check out their bunny yoga and hoppy hour events! You can also donate through their website, Alamo City House Rabbits, or get event updates on their Instagram and Facebook. All proceeds go to veterinary care of the rescued buns.

We were vendors at one of their events. It was our first proper bunny art booth so we were super excited! We also saw their Rey Conejo Crowning and Fiesta Hoppy Hour. You can view our mini video video blog on Instagram or Facebook :)

More about Alamo City House Rabbits:
"Alamo City House Rabbits is a 501(c) 3 non-profit. We were formed in October 2015 as a Facebook group to support those in the San Antonio area who share their home and life with rabbits as indoor companion animals. Domestic rabbits are intelligent and social creatures that for too long have been relegated to backyard hutches.
Alamo City House Rabbits promotes education and outreach to increase awareness of rabbits as spayed or neutered indoor-only pets. We have activities such as Hoppy Hour, monthly adoption events, and education events.
ACHR operates on three principles – Education, Rescue, and Adoption. We fully support the philosophy and principles of the House Rabbit Society, a national companion rabbit advocacy and rescue group."